Wednesday, October 27, 2010

In childbirth, what are some different birthing positions?

In childbirth, what are some different birthing positions?
The most traditional positions are on one's back with legs brought up to the chest, or squatting.
But labor and delivery can be achieved in any position that is most conducive for the laboring mother and to get the baby out as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible.
In Japan they squat to give birth.
you can squat, or get on all fours. My sister delivered her baby on all fours and it was a piece of cake she says and he was 10.5lbs.
Did you see that Britney Spears statue?
Standing, sitting, lying, squatting, on all fours, in water.
you can lay on your back, like normal. but you can also get on all fours or some women prefer to use a bar that goes over the bed to support their weight and then they squat. this helps use gravity. however, what position you deliver in depends on the type of pain medication you use.
I would re-ask this in pregnancy. You'll get more responses. BTW they squat in a lot of countries, not just Japan.
On your back in bed (worst known pisition)
Squatting being supported by people
Squatting on a birthing chair
On all fours on the bed
Laying on your side on the bed
That's all I can think of for now... squatting was easiest for me.

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