Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Im so tired :-( is anyone else?

went out partying last night till 2 and had work at 8.30, how will i last all day??Im so tired :-( is anyone else?
you might want to take a hot shower when you got up, it helps you freshen your mind, also drink coffee and have a big breakfast to help your get energized.
Drink red bull and coffee.
The girls at work and I always have that on Sunday mornings due to not getting to bed til 3 am and needing to be at work at 6 30 in the morning. We're mostly dead all day and make the young schoolkids do most of the work but still the redbull makes us look alive.
Tired,yes. Able to sleep, no.
I was yesterday because I had a hang over. To be honest, I ate to keep myself awake!
It's Friday now though, so just keep busy so the day goes quickly and then it's the sweet sweet weekend.
I partied tonight and now I can't sleep and I have a job interview at 10:00 am. I am soooo stupid.
Yeah,I feel knackered this morning and I wasn't even out last night.
Can I visit you and give a massage?
everytime you start to doze off go to the break room and get something to eat or drink and wake yourself up!
Plenty of sugared coffee.
burning the candles at both ends doesnt work.....go get a early night, it may take a few days to get over.

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