Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm a man and I have a probleme about my wife?

we married 8 months ago and her probleme is that the period comes too late before marriage she used to this the period somties linger for 9 months now every month she doesn't have it and she takes midicine to let it menstruate Is this a cause for not having babies untill now
excuse me about the languageI'm a man and I have a probleme about my wife?
Well, the progestreone and estrogen level might be imbalanced. Yes, it will cause trouble to get pregnant. The best option is to refer to a gyaneologist.
Man!, is there something wrong with YOU? This is not irregular PMS this is bloody abnormal. You should not be posting such questions and hoping for a remedy from us laymen. Go see a gynecologist or some specialist. Eight months is a damn long time. Are you living in a far way village or the twilight zone or something. It cannot be coz you have access to Internet.
OK so you're saying that your wife didnt have her period so she went on medicine to start menstruating and she has not gotten pregnant?
If this is what u asked she seems to be like me. my cycle also didnt come on. so she like i probaly went on provera or an equivalent to provera. when you go on provera theres a long time frame where you cant get pregnant. for atleast 4 months after taking it you cant get pregnant.
hopefully it will happen! good luck!!

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