Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm having a breast reduction on May 30. And i would like to know what size should i go down?

I'm 16, 5'4 and 162 pounds. and also i would like to know how much pain will i be in and how long. (only people that have had the surgery.) also what would to compare the pain too.I'm having a breast reduction on May 30. And i would like to know what size should i go down?
You haven't told us what size you are.
I would try to go down to a C cup.
You should talk to your PS about this, he could help assist you.
I had absolutely NO pain after surgery, only discomfort.
Congrats and good luck!
This site helped me out tons with my research and before/after surgery:
38J to 38C Feb 2006
And this talks about breastfeeding after reduction, IT CAN happen!:
You should have already gone through this with your cosmetic surgeon. These aren't questions to ask us. You want to look normal after all is said and done. There is evidently already a problem or you would not be getting the surgery at your age. The surgeon needs to guide you and your parents through the decision making process way ahead of time and not on the day of surgery. Tell your parents or guardian this so that they can make an appointment for you (and them) to make the decisions and get information. Best of luck to you. My advise is to error on the small side.
Well, in my country we (women) haven't get to that kind of situation but to you I think that it is nice but for the best you should leave it that way and it will cost you no pain.
Just pliz to stick to who you really are!

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