Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Irregular Bleeding and bad cramping while on birth control??

I was put on birth control to control my bleeding. This afternoon, out of nowhere, in the middle of my month of pills, I started bleeding moderately (I'm not bleeding massively, bt it's bright read and clots) I am also cramping badly. So bad I'm doubled over. I also had sex earlier today. It wasn't anything crazy so I don't think anything was punctured or anything. What should I do. Is this something that can wait until my doctor's appt on the 21st?Irregular Bleeding and bad cramping while on birth control??
Birth control does have side effects of irregular bleeding and even cramping especially during the first three months while you are still adjusting to the pill or if you are using menstrual supression. I think it would be a wise idea to call your doctor's office tell them what's going on and get advise as to whether or not you can wait or if they want to see you right away.
Because you are just starting out on the pill it can take time to adjust to being on it. One of the symptoms that can occur from this is breakthrough bleeding (which is bleeding that can act a lot like a menstrual period).
I would go ahead and call your dr to let them know what is going and see if they want you to still wait til the 21st or come in sooner.

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