Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm always having period pain..i can say every month even i take a pill..u have an idea how to avoid this??

I'm always having period pain..i can say every month even i take a pill..u have an idea how to avoid this??
Well, if you've taken Midol and the rest of "those" and they don't help, then i suggest seeing your Gynecologist.
Also, you haven't said what you mean by "period pain". And well your GYN is going to ask you the same thing. Are you having cramps and if so what kind and where?
I know that if you start a regular "exercise" routine, one which includes mainly crunches this should help the "pain" subside if it is indeed cramps.
However, please, see a Gynecologist. I wouldn't take risks with my health by trial and error and in the mean time you could be doing long term damage.
get a hysterectomy
go to ur docter and ask him/her for help
evening primrose oil!
Well, avoid salty foods and also foods that are high in caffeine. And even though you don't feel like working out, it really helps a lot if you do, even if it's just 15 minutes/day. Or take a walk, that helps too. So basically, if you're doing everything healthy, you should see a big improvement.
Obviously your persription isn't working, if you've been on it for 3 months or less, the chance of spotting is more than after your body gets used to the sister and I are on birth control, but she has lower hormones in her pills than I do...tell your doctor and get it fixed.and don't forget your reminder pills.I swear by them, I think they help...
I'm not really sure what you're asking. Can you add more details?

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