Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Instead SoftCup,Have you tried it did it work?

I bought Instead SoftCup and I am wondering how many have succeeded wearing/using it?
What day on your cycle did you use it?
1st. day, etc. ?Instead SoftCup,Have you tried it did it work?
I love these things! I use them routinely. I can use them at any day of my cycle, but when my flow is heavier (usually at the beginning of my period), I find I have to change the Cup more often. After about my 3rd day, I can insert a Cup in the morning and leave it until bedtime! It is messy to remove, so I always try to remove it in the shower. I have not had any problems with the Cup at all. They are comfortable and reliable. No more trying to pee without getting the tampon string wet!
You know, I tried it. And at first... it was great! I couldn't feel a thing, it was great. A little messy taking it out (be near a toilet, a sink and LOTS of toilet paper!), but it worked pretty well. Then I started using Nuva Ring (which i think bothered my vaginal lining a little), so I haven't been able to use it since. But when it did work, it was so nice! I hope it works for you. Make sure you get it all the way back there. if you don't put it in right it will be very uncomfortable.
They didn't work for me at all. Well - they did work, but I didn't like them. They were too big for me. I could always feel it and it would bother me. But if it hadn't been for this problem, I probably would have continued to use them. I never had problems with it leaking or anything like that. It was a little bit unpleasant to get it out and empty it.

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